Things to check out:
Notability - iPad
SMART Notebook - available on the iPad, too!
Schoology - similar to EdMoto? Check out EdMoto, too!
Diigo - highlighting, bookmarking, etc. but not tied to the machine!
iMovie...instructional tool, PD (PBIS presentations?), student projects...
Ed Tech Talks...Zucker, Ch 1
Challenge - matching students with appropriate technology...responsibility with student placement, tech use, and integrity of instruction. Will computers replace teachers? Not if we truly want students to get differentiated instruction that is PERSONAL to their needs...sometimes tech is NOT the best option for a child.
Challenge - app recommendations and the potential for profit guided recommendations. (Non-profit, For-profit, For benefit...)
The Power of Video...
"If we learn by doing, what are we learning here?" Good driving question for lesson development and team talk...great way to introduce the need for tech engagement. (Let me use the www = whatever, whenever, wherever).
Production discussion... students without input? assumption that tech must be incorporated into education? attention to Bloom's higher level thinking...creativity rather than recall? music...soothing, contemplative, effective
Use video to teach, inspire, communicate...we can create this with a reasonable, but not immense, amount of effort...and our kids could do it much more readily, perhaps, than we can! Use kids as a resource for tech integration?
My First Attempt at iMovie & a special moment for my BaiBoo
Clearly, I have a lot of growth potential in the iMovie realm (meaning that I am below novice level, but could see the possibility of getting better at this with more time!), but if I'm doing a movie project, I wanted it to be something useful to me...and this is a great way to send a "Get Well" and "I love you" message to my neice, Bailey! Titi loves you, Bai!
Another great day of learning! I loved the hands on element with iMovie...and it is something that I could see myself using in my classroom, as well as in a teacher leader or administrative role. I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities that technology presents and hope that I am able to maintain my current excitement level when the pressures of daily life and teaching creep in! I am interested in learning more from the Google Guy tomorrow...and finding ways to continue making this course applicable to my practice. I appreciate the thoughtful discourse with this group of educational leaders! :)
Great collection of resources you've acquired. Keep up the good thinking and conversation. You'll love the Google guy tomorrow!!